A. There shall be a total of two officials: the Game Official and the Official Scorekeeper.
B. Game officials shall wear the designated Uball-approved uniforms.
C. Game officials are solely responsible for ensuring that the game is played fairly and legally. A game official’s judgment on rules and fair game play shall be final, unless a blatant error can be demonstrated. If game rules are not followed, game officials have the authority to call fouls and assess penalties as prescribed in these rules.
D. If a coach wishes to discuss a ruling or any official’s decision, the official must bring the other team’s coach into the discussion to ensure an open forum. The game official shall have sole discretion as to whether he/she wishes to entertain the coach’s inquiry. A coach may only seek a ruling clarification during a stoppage of play. The game official can assess a technical foul on a coach that improperly seeks to discuss a ruling decision with a game official.
E. Prior to the start of the game, the officials shall inspect all equipment, which includes each team’s designated basket and the basketball structure of each designated basket.
F. Game officials will not permit any jewelry or other objects to be worn by players that could present a safety hazard.
G. The game official must check the ball to ensure that it is of appropriate quality for game play and that it is properly inflated. Proper inflation is between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch.
H. Prior to the start of the game, the game official shall confirm that the court/playing field dimensions comply with all prescribed rules.
I. Gloves are permitted, but no tacky substances of any kind are permitted. Officials shall remove any player from the game if such substances are discovered. A player shall not be permitted to re-enter the game until the substance(s) have been fully removed.
J. The designated game official shall toss the ball at the opening tip and any other jump ball challenges.
K. The Official Scorekeepers shall:
  a. Maintain a record of the names and jersey numbers of each team’s players.
  b. Record all field goals made and missed.
  c. Keep a record of each individual player’s statistics for shot attempts, shots made, rebounds and assists.
  d. Tally each team’s total personal fouls, including the number of personal fouls on each player.
  e. Maintain an official status of the change of possession arrow.
  f. Keep track of the official game score.
  g. Control the official game clock, which includes clock stoppages during timeouts and any intermission periods.